Glasmoor Bank
Terra Firma (South) has extensive experience of the geotechnical and geo-environmental investigation of green field sites. This allows developers to comply both with the requirements of Local Authority Planning Departments and the Environment Agency.
Terra Firma (South) acted as consulting geo-technical and geo-environmental engineers for the construction of six new turbines and infrastructure at the existing windfarm site.
Situated within agricultural fields in Cambridgeshire, the windfarm has eight existing turbines up to 60m in height and generating 2MW of green energy. The aim of the investigation was to design appropriate infrastructure and an economical foundation solution to add a further six turbines to the same specification, saving nearly 18,000 tons of CO2 a year.
The site was originally chosen for its vast size, meaning minimal environmental impact and reducing the potential for negative impact on residential amenities. However the huge site proved problematic logistically when organising ground investigations. To make things even more challenging, there were the added strains of poor weather conditions, active farming practices being carried out, and a limited time schedule.
The Phase II site investigation was undertaken using multiple intrusive investigation techniques; trial pits and in situ testing. This included plate load bearing tests which were used to assess the geotechnical nature of the shallow superficial soils for the infrastructure. Deep cable percussive boreholes with rotary follow on were used to determine the geotechnical properties and bearing capacity of the underlying Oxford Clay Formation.
Terra Firma (South) provided an effective and economical foundation solution to these problems by using piled foundations founded within the Oxford Clay Formation to support the turbines.
Terra Firma (South) are committed to meeting client needs and extra staff were employed to meet the strict time schedule and budget.
Terra Firma (South) were able to manage tight security restrictions, difficult site area to time constraints and thorough CDM regulations of this project- delivering results expertly and efficiently.
We're proud to provide competitive prices for a professional service, which is always personally delivered and would greatly appreciate your consideration for any future projects you may have. You can get in touch using the form or our contact details below.
01647 252414